
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2023.01.16
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on January 16, 2023, about the sacrifice of love. How deeply do you give? In what ways are you prepared to risk yourself in love? How do we cultivate the capacity to step into the more profound levels of letting go? This talk fell on the evening of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Jan 09, 2023
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2023.01.09
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on January 9, 2023, about believing in oneself. What would it mean to have faith in oneself? How would we live if we really trusted ourselves and our intuitions? How do we cultivate greater self-trust and self-fidelity?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Jan 02, 2023
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2023.01.02
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on January 2, 2023, about confinement and choice. What true choices do we have in relating to outer unpleasant constraints? How do we relate to our own inner stuckness? What is the paradoxical wisdom of transformation that opens the door to a whole new experience?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Mike’s Dharma Talk, December 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
This is a dharma talk on December 27, 2022, about unique vs. special. What are the profound ways we are unique? What are some of the traps around seeing ourselves or our lives as special? What is the relation of humility to these ideas? This talk fell on the Christian feast of St, John, Apostle & Evangelist.
Here is the quote sheet for the talk.

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2022.12.19
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on December 19, 2022, about resilience. How do we cultivate resilience? How do we push past ego’s imagined limits? How do we cultivate faith in our core wisdom & strength? This talk fell on the first day of Hanukkah and a couple days before the winter solstice.
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Dec 12, 2022
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2022.12.12
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on December 12, 2022, about reckless love. How do we respond to the overwhelming reckless love of the Sacred for us? How can we be more reckless, in totally healthy & functional ways, in our practice of compassion & love? What are the risks inherent in the most noble forms of love?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Dec 05, 2022
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2022.12.05
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on December 5, 2022, about intense experiences. How does Buddhism enhance our ability to integrate intense experiences? How does intensity enhance our attention and vitality? How do we bring that heighten vitality back to stillness and to the safety of everyday life?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Nov 28, 2022
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2022.11.28
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on November 28, 2022, about waiting. How do we wait and what does the way we wait say about us? What are the gifts and challenges associated with waiting? How do we relate to the disconnected parts of ourselves that have been waiting for love & connection since before our earliest memories? This talk fell on the first Monday of Advent.
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Nov 21, 2022
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2022.11.21
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Monday Nov 21, 2022
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on November 21, 2022, about the four levels of gratitude. How do we open our eyes to the miracles of life? How is “taking for granted” a toxin to the soul? How can we begin to receive even difficult experiences as gifts?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Nov 14, 2022
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2022.11.14
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on November 14, 2022, about Buddhism in a time of moral conflict. What guidance does Buddhism give us for relating to polarized conditions? What nuance does Buddhism offer to our own cherished moral ideals? How do we embody an invitation to a deeper human unity?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.