
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2023.04.03
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on April 3, 2023, about the Last Supper discourse. What is the role of humility & humiliation in spiritual life? What ideal of love furthers our unfolding? How do we move closer to the interconnection that is our primary reality? This talk fell on the Monday of Holy Week.
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Mar 27, 2023
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2023.03.27
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on March 27, 2023, about transformative healing. How do we work with the core pain of shame & self-hatred? What are the paradoxes of healing? How do we trust in the possibility of healing our life?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Mar 20, 2023
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2023.03.20
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on March 20, 2023, about inner renewal. How do we contact the vivid freshness of life? How do we honor what is emerging in those close to us? How do we keep up with the edge in us that is fearless about growth? This talk fell on the Vernal Equinox.
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2023.03.13
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on March 13, 2023, about the first chakra. What is our relationship to belonging? How do we work with toxic shame? How do we arrive fully in our bodies and in our lives? This was the last in a series of three talks on the first three chakras.
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Mar 06, 2023
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2023.03.06
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on March 6, 2023, about the second chakra. What is our relationship to patterns of holding & release? What is our relationship with pleasure and addictions? How do we relate to those aspects of the world and to those aspects of ourselves that are in uncontrollable flow? This will be the second in a series of three talks on the first three chakras.
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Feb 27, 2023
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2023.02.27
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on February 27, 2023, about the third chakra. What are healthy boundaries and why are they rare in our culture? How do we strengthen our boundaries? What does it mean to cultivate one’s own power? This was the first in a series of three talks on the first three chakras.
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Feb 20, 2023
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2023.02.20
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on February 20, 2023, about discipline, one of the paramitas of the Buddhas. Why is self-discipline so hard in modern times? What are the potential pitfalls of cultivating discipline? How do we craft a discipline that affirms and nurtures all of who we are?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Feb 13, 2023
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2023.02.13
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on February 13, 2023, about mysticism in everyday life. What is irreducible about ordinary sense experience? How does silence reveal the radiance of the world? How do we approach the intimate mystery beneath our own deepest vulnerability?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Feb 06, 2023
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2023.02.06
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on February 6, 2023, about antiracism & Buddhism. How does antiracist work dovetail with Buddha dharma? How do we unpack the racism held in our bodies? How do we embody love & compassion in a healing & integrative way? This talk fell on the first Monday of Black History month.
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2023.01.30
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on January 30, 2023, about desires vs. real needs. How do we distinguish authentic needs from imagined fantasized needs? How well do we distinguish between enough and too much? How do we simplify our needs?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.