
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2021.10.18
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on October 18, 2021, about suffering. Why do we suffer? How can we bear our suffering? What meaning can find in suffering?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Oct 11, 2021
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2021.10.11
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on October 11, 2021, about self-love & self-compassion. What are the typical misunderstandings about self-love? How does believing the voices of pain create such a barrier for us? What are the practical steps we can take to move toward self-compassion a little more each day?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Oct 04, 2021
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2021.10.04
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on October 4, 2021, about accepting imperfections. Why do so many people embrace so tightly the poison of perfectionism? How do we nurture more self-compassion within us? How do we find our way to celebrating our wholeness?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.
This is the poem quoted.

Monday Sep 27, 2021
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2021.09.27
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on September 27, 2021, about inner retreat. What does it mean to go inward? What are the self-generated obstacles that stand in our way? What sacrifices does this radical simplification demand? What is the deep inner letting-go that leads to true freedom?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Sep 20, 2021
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2021.09.20
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on September 20, 2021, about the cycle of healing. What factors in life prevent us from healing ourselves? What does the path of healing demand of us? How can we align ourselves more with the energies of healing?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.
This is a link for an image of the Chartres labyrinth

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2021.09.13
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on September 13, 2021, about community and connection. Why does it take a great tragedy for us to reconnect with the simple truth that we need each other? What are our resistances to being alive to our deepest needs? And how is all this deeply reflected in the Buddha dharma? This talk took place two days after the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Sep 06, 2021
Title: Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2021.09.06
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on September 6, 2021, about the ideal of the spiritual warrior. How much self-discipline do you bring to your personal growth work? How courageously do you face yourself? How truthful are you with yourself?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Aug 30, 2021
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2021.08.30
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on August 30, 2021, about judgment and judging. What are the inner dynamics of pronouncing judgments on others? What does it mean to live with good judgment? How can shifting our perspectives reorder all of our previous judgments about life?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Aug 23, 2021
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2021.08.23
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on August 23, 2021, about Buddhism and sensuality. How do we respond to Buddhism’s invitation to feel life deeply? How does this invitation land in our bodies? How does this invitation expose our attempts to control life? How can we step more fully into embodying the affirmation of life?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.

Monday Aug 16, 2021
Mike’s Dharma Talk, 2021.08.16
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
This is my dharma talk from the East Bay Healing Collective on August 16, 2021, the conversational nature of reality. How many of our relationships with others actually involve a real conversation? To what extent are we stuck in stories from the past? How can we be more open to the vital message of Life in each moment?
This is the quote sheet for the talk.